dilluns, 22 d’octubre del 2018

CR7 accused of rape

Breaking news: CR7 accused of rape!😱

When it seemed that Cristiano Ronaldo had put an end to all his extradeportive problems, a new accusation once again puts the Juventus player from Turin in the centre of the spotlight. Kathryn Mayorga, a 34-year-old American woman, has sued the Portuguese international for an alleged rape. The incident allegedly took place on 12 June 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

These and more details have been revealed by the alleged victim to the German weekly Der Spiegel. The two met in a nightclub. A few hours later they ended up in a suite at the luxurious Palms Casino Resort, where the ex-Madridista was staying. The rape took place there, according to the American woman.

The room, which cost about 1,000 dollars a night, had a jacuzzi overlooking the city. He invited her to take a bath, but she didn't want to get her dress wet. She went to the bathroom to take it off and, when she was in her underwear, the sportsman appeared with his penis out of his pants asking her "to touch and kiss him for 30 seconds". The girl smiled at the thought that it was a joke, refusing at all times.

"He started touching me, grabbed me and put himself on top of me. I tried to withdraw while he kept saying no," Mayorga told the German tabloid. After the coitus, the American assures that Ronaldo did not want to let her go: "She said to me, 'I'm sorry, are you okay? And he insisted that it's a good 99% rate, except for that one percent.

He also adds that, after what happened, he went to the hospital for some tests. And to a police station to denounce him, but there an agent explained to her that, probably, the one who would end up being accused would be her, for extortion, being a world-famous sportsman.

Ronaldo denied these accusations and affirmed that the sex was consensual. Several months later, the lawyers representing both parties reached an out-of-court settlement: the Portuguese international paid 323,000 euros to the young woman. In return, she signed a commitment not to talk about the accusations again.

Something that she has not fulfilled. As she says, she continues to suffer for everything that happened that night almost a decade ago. "I have had serious problems. I blame him for the rape. And I blame myself for signing that piece of paper," she explains in the interview.

The legal representatives of the footballer have also expressed themselves and consider that this breach of the pact "violates the personal rights of Cristiano Ronaldo in an exceptionally serious way. "It is inadmissible," they conclude. 

Here's a video that deals with the brands that sponsor the player should terminate contracts with him. Leave us your opinión on this matter. Thanks, we'll be back with next news


4 comentaris:

  1. It’s hard to give your opinion on such a delicate topic. Just CR and Kathryn Mayorga know what just happen that night. In fact, the result of the judgment will be determinant to the reputation of both. Because of this, shares of Juventus were going down and Nike showed publicly that they totally disagreed with what had happened and if it’s necessary they would withdraw the player's contract. We will see how far everything goes.

  2. Other football players had been accused of rape in the past as Robinho. I think even if the jury rules that Ronaldo is innocent, it will have negative consequences for his career. This polemic will pursue him during all his career.Also, it is unfair because even if this polemic is not true it could be the end of his career.

  3. I don't think players should have privileges because they are like everyone else, there shouldn't be a distinction.

    If he's really guilty, he should be exposed to the penalties he's entitled to.

    I see well that the marks are positioned against Ronaldo if he is guilty.

    For example, Nike should break the contract if he is guilty.

  4. It is horrible to hear such things about such big players like Cristiano Ronaldo, he is one of the best players in the world and then you hear such things. But if it is true then it is very shamful, he shouldbe punsihed if he pleads guilty and Nike should break his contract. But I hope is it not true becuase then it just shamful and I used like him as a player as he was so good but now I do not know what to think about him.
