dilluns, 22 d’octubre del 2018

Arda Turan maybe could go to jail

Turkish prosecution requests 12 and a half years in prison for Arda Turan

The Turkish prosecutor's office has filed charges against Arda Turan, who still has a contract with Barça but has been loaned in the Turkish Basaksehir, for several crimes of injuries and threats, for which he asks for 12.5 years in prison. the prosecutor considers that Turan incurred in the crimes of "sexual harassment", "breach general security," "intentional injuries" and "carrying a weapon without a license," reports the Turkish daily Hürriyet.

The complaint against the footballer was filed by singer Berkay Sahin, who had an altercation with Turan at a popular nightclub in Istanbul in the early hours of last Wednesday. According to the Turkish press, Turan harassed the singer's wife, Özlem Ada, in the bar and caused a confrontation in which the footballer broke the singer's nose with a header. The couple moved to a nearby hospital, but Arda Turan followed shortly after and upon entering the hospital fired a shot with his gun, causing no injuries.

According to the footballer's version, he was unaware that Özlem Ada was married and went to the hospital to apologise to Sahin, when his gun was fired fortuitously, reports CNNTürk. The public prosecutor's office has also prepared a charge against the singer for "insults", for which he is asking for two years in prison. This has been another episode of his career off the football fields. It was to be expected that something of this type would happen given the previous cases you have had?

6 comentaris:

  1. It's crazy how a football player with such a quality as Turan's has ended up so wrong since the move to the Catalan side. We must remember that before, in Atletico de Madrid, he was a usual starter where he won La Liga, and playing the Champions League final vs Madrid.

    It seems absurd how, even though he is always been a conflictual player, he has reached such a level of having AND USING a gun in a hospital. Barça, as well as Basaksehir, should end up the contract that they have with him, as he is damaging the Clubs image.

    1. I totally agree with Victor. How can such a player with all his curriculum be in such a sad situation? He has gone from being one of the players of one of the best teams in the world to be lost in the Turkish league without playing a single minute and having news of cover like this. Very disappointing…

  2. It's incredible how a world-class player like Arda Turan, day in and day out, has been involved in various situations of violence since arriving in Turkey. I think the former blue-grain player should go to prison, in order to avoid another similar altercation.

    In the event that he goes into prison, what would happen with the contract linking him to FC Barcelona and Turkish Basaksehir?

  3. I was shocked about his actions. I think his turkish temper took over, it's no excuse and I think he needs serious help before doing something even more stupid than this.

  4. Spooky news! With what has happened, Turan is closer to being a former footballer today. It is physically abandoned. He already failed in Barcelona, was an electoral signing of Bartomeu, who only played 50 games in 2 and a half years and cost 1 million euros per game. A disaster as a player and now, a disaster as a person.

    An attentive nonsense. He deserves at the moment the fine of his current team Basaksehir club, which announced that he will fine the player with 2.5 million lire (about 370,000 euros) for "attitudes incompatible with the values of the club" ...

    Xavier Milà

  5. It feel so so sad when you big players like Arda Turan doing this, completly unacceptable, he was one of the best players Atletico, he was turkeys best player and Barcelona signed him for quite some money. though his career in Barcelona was not good as he struggled to find his place their and later he moved to Basaksehir and his career went really down as he got a 16 match ban for shouting and hitting the linemen ref. And now this incident happened, though its not that suprising as Arda Turan always had a temper. there have been a lot incidents like when he threw his boot at the linesman ref in the barca vs atletico match. He was kicked out of the national team for insulting a reporter too. But its sad to see that is has gone so far.
