dimecres, 7 de novembre del 2018


Football Leaks uncovers what was evident

Football Leaks reveals new irregularities in the world of football. According to the German daily Der Spiegel, Gianni Infantino, FIFA President, could have systematically helped PSG and Manchester City to avoid sanctions for breaches of the financial 'Fair Play' when he was still in charge of UEFA.

The German newspaper reports that both Manchester City and PSG systematically broke the rules of financial fair play and Infantino protected both.
In this sense, UEFA did not sanction either club and in addition, the head of the football body in Europe met secretly with the leaders of both clubs.

According to the documentation published by Football Leaks, the Parisian club has received 1.800.000 € fraudulently from the government of Qatar for irregular financing, something that should have caused its expulsion from the Champions League. Therefore, the continuity of Neymar and Mbappé could be compromised. 

On the other hand, PSG benefited from a reduction in the fine of about 60 million euros and, like Manchester City, took advantage of the fact that UEFA retroactively accounted for a fraction of the contract with the Qatar Tourism Authority for the 2013-2014 season. All this allowed the City to lift the sanctions suffered a year in advance. 

Finally, the documents that have come to light show an investigation that was concluded without any accusation in 2017 to PSG. Football Leaks points out that the case was closed according to UEFA "for political reasons".

What do you think of this news? Amazing truth. The petrodollars are destroying football don't you think?
Our question for you is if you were the Fifa what sanction or punishment would you impose?
Be creative and enjoy it!!!!😜😜


1 comentari:

  1. Mathias MARI : Its very sad that this happens, but the problem is that Gianni Infantino is not the one to blame, but the clubs and their approach to the business. People say that UEFA is corrupted, but i think it the Clubs managements' focus on the club as a business and not as a very important cultural entity with influence on young people and on the city's identity is causing this. Maybe it's the petrodollars fault, but I think that for example Paris as a city should intervene and not let that happen in the future of PSG.
