diumenge, 4 de novembre del 2018

Rain of sexist insults

Rain of sexist insults in a Third Division match

Was going to be a matchday to be remembered, three womens refereeing a male match in the Spain’s Third Division. The match faced C.P. San Cristóbal against Llagostera in Terrassa, a city near Barcelona.
Aina Acevedo (principal referee), and Ylenia Sánchez y Matilde Esteves as referee assistants, jumped into the field wanting to do well his job and trying to enjoy that historic match for them. The dream was truncated when a group of followers per part of CP San Cristóbal were devoted to insult and disparage every decision the referees make. Insults like: “Go to scrub!”, “Who fucks her from the team?!” or “Go take for ass!”.

C.P. San Cristóbal has issued a statement in which it rejects this type of disrespectful and intolerant behaviours and says that will identify and sanction to the fans. What exemplary punishments would be? and Do you that the Federació Catalana de Futbol (FCF) should intervene and punish the fans? Here you have a video:

8 comentaris:

  1. C.P. San Cristóbal should indeed punish the fans that misbehaved during the game, every referee does their job as they seem fit. The insults the fans were shouting are very denigrating and unacceptable. A stadium ban would seem fit. It would be good thing if the FCF would intervene and punish the supporters to set an example, that this is not the way female referees should be treated and that their are severe consequenties when shouting things like that.

    - It could be very important and sensitive topic to treat, indeed there was no any mistakes referee made. It's weird. The audiences who were disrespectful and intolerant should have been punished and be banned from the stadium or asking them for fine could be pretty effective to reduce those persons. Even if there would be some troubles or crashes of course, FCF must intervene this kind of happening and it will help make a culture, which has no more aimed at referees.
    By the way, anyone who insults sexist stuff without hesitation is a base fellow.

  3. It is sensitive topic in football. As a woman, it is difficult to enter in football sphere. A part of suporters are sexist and mentalities consider than football is a man's game. However, we promote increasingly women football. In my opinion, the key word is to educate fans.

    Clara Finkenberg

  4. Jose Viladomiu:
    As a man I can sadly say that many men still see sports as a man's game. I think it is very difficult to change the fans with this mentality however I think that as women sports grow and new generations rise, it will progressively disappear from sports. Until that day, clubs and organizations should strictly punsih this behavior.

  5. As some of my colleagues have said in their commentary, to touch this topic in the world of soccer is difficult because many soccer fans believe that it is only a sport where men are involved, but I believe that neither these referees (women), nor the referees (men) have to endure such insults from fans and that is why the FCF should intervene in this case with some punishment to the fans of the CP San Cristobal who made macho insults to the Girls who did their job of referees.

  6. MARC CRUZ: As other classmates have said, this type of verbal aggression is common in football. It is a sport where criticism of women is common and is a subject that has been repeated several times. It is unfair that this type of action is currently taking place.

  7. Pere Teixidó: t's hard to believe we still have news like this today. I think that people should be made more aware that football or sport in general is for everyone and anyone can dedicate themselves to that sport.

  8. I believe that this is discraceful as specially this is bad for the club those supporters are supporting because in most cases weather it is sexist,racist or inicidents like that accurre it is the club who pays the price and gets fined for it and is now connected to this disrespectfull incitend. But yes I think that the club should punish those fans.

    Gudjon Bjarkason
